Yvonne and David Anderson smiling and laughing
Our Story
"We created Santevia to inspire your health through exceptional drinking water."

Life partners David and Yvonne Anderson began Santevia in 2007 because of a health crisis in David’s life. Suffering from chronic acid reflux, David was prescribed medication for life to combat the symptoms of this debilitating disease.

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At Santevia
Good Water is Critical
This reactive approach to health didn’t feel right and moved Yvonne to ask the question “Why was David experiencing chronic acid reflux”? Through her research she began to reevaluate their overall health from the food they ate, their exercise habits and ultimately their water. Their discovery: good water is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. Santevia is an extension of that discovery in an effort to bring healthy water to your home.
A woman on a hike drinking from a Santevia Tritan Water Bottle
Woman smiling while holding a round slice of lemon over each eye
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Live Happy and Healthy
We Do Water Differently
Most water filters don’t have what you need to thrive. Good water doesn’t just mean free from contaminants. Good water is full of life-inspiring minerals. Our ethos is to recreate nature's water. Santevia filters remove harmful contaminants like chlorine, lead and add back healthy minerals to promote your overall health and wellness.
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We are Family
Our Family To Yours
Santevia is a family owned and operated business located in Vancouver, Canada. Your purchase supports our values of health, hard work, innovation and family. We’re recognized as a workplace culture leader. We understand work is a massive part of people’s lives and support our team’s growth and balance.
Canadian workplace culture index badge
A sommelier holding a wine glass of Santevia Alkaline Mineral Water
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Best in Class
Made in North America
Our best in class products are tested by accredited third party laboratories to exceed filtration standards with a focus on Canadian and American manufacturing. We take our products and safety seriously because our families use them, and we invite yours to as well.

Be Part of a Bigger Story

a child walking with a jerrycan of water balanced on their head
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Healthy For all shared by all
The Fight Against Water Poverty
Healthy water should be available to everyone. Around the world, women and children walk for hours each day to collect dirty water full of harmful pathogens that cause them to become sick and even die. We want to make a drastic difference in the lives of these people. Santevia will give 100,000 years of clean drinking water by the year 2030. Your purchase enables us to donate 100 days of clean drinking water for every water system sold.
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ACTS for Water
100,000 years of clean drinking
Through our local charity partner, ACTS for Water, we give 100 days of clean drinking water for every MINA Pitcher and Gravity Water System sold. Our agreement with ACTS ensures that 100% of donations goes directly to clean water infrastructure. Once a year, we make an additional donation at their gala to cover any additional overhead. This ensures we can proudly stand by our “100 days” promise.
A couple laughing outside of their home in Ghana